Economic and financial literacy as a part of civic education

June 16, 2022

Our commitment is to ensure young people become masters of themselves, masters of their own mind, and masters of their economic and financial means. 

Andrea Ceccherini, President of the Osservatorio Permanente Giovani-Editori, brought to a close a three-day conference held in Milan on 14, 15, and 16 June 2022 attended by delegations of European students and a number of European Central Banks Governors and announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding committing the Governors of France, Italy, Holland, Spain, Portugal and Germany to jointly promote economic and financial education in Europe.

"Economic and financial literacy is an essential tool to fully understand current affairs, and what is happening around us. It is a must if you want to be a citizen, if you wish to be part of democracy and not find yourself outside democracy.

Economic and financial literacy is part of civic education because the community of European countries was created precisely with the currency at its centre.

How can this community not promote more financial education to foster a greater sense of belonging? You [addressing the students] have shown how much you want to be Europeans, and we want to somehow provide you with a tool to ensure you can be your own master, you can better master your mind, and your economic and financial means".
